Original Tweet:
[B.F동현] 보이프렌드의 366일째 아침이 밝았어요! 보이프렌드의 2주년을 향한 두번째 페이지 시작! 팬 여러분들의 응원에 행복했던 1년이었어요^^ 베스트프렌드 넘 고마워요! 앞으로도 함께 고고사랑해용~♥ http://twitpic.com/9pmajk
English Translation:
[B.F.Donghyun] Boyfriend’s 366th day’s morning has come! Starting to be the 2nd day to work towards Boyfriend’s 2nd anniversary! This year has been really happy because of the fans neverending support^^ BestFriend I’m really grateful! In the future, together let’s go go~?! I love you all~♥ http://twitpic.com/9pmajk
translations: MiNi (Kor-Chi)
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